Friday 18 November 2011

my birthday

i am very considerate to others, and care about them or else i probably wouldnt of given the dude who dropped $200 on the ground back to him, or find an ipod touch in my apartments workout room andgiven it back to my managment. i probably would help my friends with there problems, given advice, and given them compilments. maybe i wouldnt of given my lunch money to my firends who have no lunch, or share my lunch. its just a good feeling to know i helped someone, or made them smile for whatever the reason is, cause if i didnt id probably feel so bad and worry about them for the rest of the day. I just absolutly hate hurting someones feeling, its the worst.

its said in there that i am competive but i honestly dont think i am, i am one of those people who take there time because i am very perfectionist and I dont like to rush things. Especially in gym class when everyone is so competitive then theres me who take my time, but to be honest i actually dont really like competitive people they can get pretty annoying, plus they always think of themselves. its good to be competitive but not all the time, your just gonna get haters. It was also saying that since im good with my hands for work and vocation, that id be good in engineer or technician oh yeah cause i dont get heart attacks in woods when im cutting the wood, no not at all. i definatly dont have a fear of machines that can chop off your fingers maybe your hand to, that is so not me....

Monday 24 October 2011

My multiplr intelligances

My code is x4fn177488c
i am i am body smart, and kinaesthetic
i find it easier to think when im going for a jog, or even just to go for a walk.
and i know alot about myself, i dont have a diary but i do think a lot, plus i post alot of stuff on fb for my friends and family to see about myself, and i also have tumblr.
i had a feeling that it was going to be visual and intrapersonal.
i didnt really think it was going to be kinaersthetic cause i know a lot about myself but not everything like i have no idea what im going to be when im older, or what my goals are for the future, and just what im going to do with my life.